Play with confidence

Club Rules & Etiquette

  1. Unless permitted otherwise by club coordinators, badminton membership is currently provided on a 6-month basis only. Membership paid is non-transferable to another player or for the next term.
  1. All players are required to sign a liability waiver before accepted as a CCSC member or drop-in. For players under 18, their parent(s) are required to sign the waiver. Those who choose not to sign it will not be accepted as CCSC members or drop-ins. The drop-in option is not available for members of CCSC and only being entertained for family members and/or friends visiting from out of town. Approval need to be obtained from the CCSC coordinators PRIOR to bringing any drop-in visitors. Before starting play at CCSC, a person must have purchased a membership or paid the drop-in fee if drop-in play is approved for the day. The drop-in fee is $15 per day, to be paid only to the coordinators.
  1. Players must wear clean, indoor-only, non-marking, soft-soled shoes. Outdoor shoes may not be worn on the courts.
  1. Individuals under 12 years of age do not require membership sign-up. If they are ready and available to play on a particular day, they will need to be approved prior by one of the coordinators and will be allotted slots and courts based on availability. All players under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult at all times and may not enter the courts on their own.
  1. CCSC will take responsibility to enforce proper conduct of players and visitors.
  1. Visitors are required to comply with CCSC rules and regulations. In case of a conflict, CCSC reserves the right to disallow
  1. The first group of players to arrive must set up the gym, including setting up net poles, stringing out the net and other equipment applicable to the gym being used. Similarly, the last group of players are responsible for removing the poles and nets setup and to put them away at designated locations. All mildly used birdies will be saved and other used birdies are to be picked up from the play areas and disposed of properly.
  1. Food or drink other than water in closed containers, are not encouraged in the courts and play areas.  Members and guests are solely responsible for any damage to the floor as a result of non-compliance.
  1. Matches are limited to one game after which the all players must vacate their court and wait for their next turn to play. Games must follow the Rally Point System (21 points). If there are no standby players, they can continue to play.
  1. It is a common courtesy, and safety precaution, when passing behind or between the courts to wait until the point being played is complete.  Players should pass the court(s) quickly and in single file close to the wall with their group so as to not disrupt the flow of play.
  1. No singles games are allowed when there are players waiting to play doubles.
  1. Swearing or use of other abusive language is absolutely not accepted. Depending on the severity of the situation, offenders may be asked to vacate the courts immediately.
  2. After each game all 4 players must step out of the court, no exceptions. This is to ensure a fair opportunity for standby players to regroup a team and play. If this rule isn’t regularly followed, Club will consider implementing a white board method to allow fair open play.
  3. If another user group is occupying the gym during their allotted time, CCSC players/visitors may not enter the gym or interfere with the activities of the group.
  4. Players must vacate the GYM by the scheduled end time for the booking.
  5. Players must not communicate issues/questions/comments directly to facility staffs. All issues/questions/comments should be brought to the CCSC coordinators.
  6. Holiday gym closures and missed days will not be replaced.

Safety Note:

It is important to understand that, like any sport, badminton is a game where injuries are a possibility.  It is the individual’s/player’s responsibility for taking precautions (for example: stretching before and after playing, warming up before play, wearing safety goggles, dry mopping your court before use) to minimize risks.  Due to possible anaphylactic allergies and sensitivities, we ask that players and attendees exercise severe caution from bringing in nuts or nut products and from using perfumes and other scented products.

The Sports Club staffs and coordinators works hard to maintain a friendly, tolerant, clean and safe environment that is fun for everyone.  We rely on all users doing their part to help keep the facilities being used neat, clean and running smoothly. When you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to approach the coordinators.